

How to Get Rid of Bra Line Fat: Surgery or CoolSculpting®?

Bra Line Fat: It’s one of those annoying flaws that most women have to deal with. Bra Line Fat is a form of back fat that appears as rolls either under or above your bra line. It’s not just for women, either, many men find unsightly rolls on their backs that they want to smooth out. It’s such a common problem that you can find tons of exercise programs out there created just to eliminate back rolls. Alas, for the women who find that these exercise programs are ineffective, there are surgical and non-surgical options for a more sculpted back.

What are my surgical options?

If dumbbell back workouts aren’t doing the trick, try one of the most reliable forms of plastic surgery: liposuction. Liposuction is surgical fat reduction that works by removing fat through small tubes called cannulas. These cannulas are inserted into the body through small incisions then used to suction fat. The Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville offers a special kind of liposuction technique called ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL). Because it uses ultrasound technology, UAL is perfect for areas of the body where the fat has a higher fiber content, like the upper back.

What’s Recovery Like?

Unlike most surgeries, walking is actually encouraged as soon as you can, because keeping yourself moving can help reduce fluid accumulation. Usually for liposuction, people can return to work a few days after the surgery, and any swelling and bruising should start to reduce after three weeks.

What about non-surgical CoolSculpting®?

There are plenty of fat reduction procedures that don’t involve a long recovery time. The best non-surgical fat reductions for bra line fat reduction happens to be one of the most comfortable and effective fat reduction procedures out there: CoolSculpting®. Sound too good to be true? CoolSculpting® uses Cryolipolysis® technology to freeze and crystallize fat cells under the skin; these cells are then naturally flushed from the body. The best part is that these fat cells are gone permanently, so your results are long lasting. Most people see results in as little as four weeks.

What’s recovery like?

CoolSculpting® is non-surgical and has no downtime, so you can resume daily activities immediately afterwards.

Are you finally ready to get rid of that pesky bra line fat? A renowned practice like the Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville offers multiple options to give you the right look, so contact us now for a consultation.