

Mommy Makeover- What Is It And Do I Want One?

By Dr. Melinda Haws

Well, it’s been a few weeks…but I’m back! Elise, from our front office AND our social media expert, explained to me that there is some confusion about just what constitutes a “Mommy Makeover.”  Often times, when prospective patients call, they are moms, and they want a makeover, so they know they want the Mommy Makeover, but they don’t know what that means. And the short answer is: It’s whatever you want it to be! A Mommy Makeover is used regarding any unwanted changes in a woman’s body that occur with pregnancy and childbirth that a plastic surgeon can correct!  It’s not in and of itself one specific procedure. A Mommy Makeover is the slang term for whatever combination of procedures that an individual woman would like in order to get her body back closer to pre-pregnancy shape, or better!

For example, typically after pregnancy a woman’s breasts and tummy change. Tummy changes generally occur after the skin won’t shrink back up to its previous state. This is usually due to stretch marks, though other times it is just the skin quality itself. Another big tummy issue we see is when the abdominal muscle stays separated after pregnancy. This is called Rectus Diastasis and can even occur without skin changes. An abdominoplasty, otherwise known as the tummy tuck, may involve tightening skin and or muscle with the removal of excess skin and fat. Much like the Mommy Makeover, this should be tailored to the individual–One size does not fit all!

The other area that is most likely to change significantly with pregnancy is the breasts. Some women who lose volume and get smaller may consider getting the breast augmentation. Others lose volume and get smaller and saggy might consider getting the breast lift. Mommy Makeovers may also involve the breast augmentation paired with a breast lift. You’re probably noticing the theme by this point, but this should be catered to fit your specific needs.

Though the tummy tuck and breast procedures are most often associated with the Mommy Makeover, there are other procedures that can also be appropriate, such as liposuction, labiaplasty, and vaginal rejuvenation. There may be something else, not listed here, that an individual patient feels uncomfortable with after pregnancy that a plastic surgeon can also address. Bottom line, a Mommy Makeover can be individually tailored to whatever any particular mommy needs addressed.

Please come in and see us at the Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville if you have any questions about starting your own personal Mommy Makeover.