

The Incision Decision – Choosing the Best Incision for Your Breast Augmentation

Before breast implant surgery you’ll have to make a decision about incision placement. Different types of incisions work better for different patients and implants. You’ll work with your surgeon to determine the best placement for your incision. Our goal is to help you love your breasts and the right incision will help make this possible.

Three Primary Options for Breast Incisions

There are pros and cons to each different type of incision. Let’s take a quick look at each of your three options to get a better idea of the results you might expect with each one. Remember, your surgeon will probably have recommendations about which incision will best meet your goals.

Periareolar Incision

The periareolar incision is made around the nipple. The thin scar that typically results from this type of incision is typically camouflaged by the areola, making scarring almost invisible. This option works well with both saline and silicone implants and allows for precise placement of your implant.

While there are many benefits to this type of implant, there are a few drawbacks as well. Some studies have shown that breastfeeding is more difficult for women with periareolar incisions as the milk ducts may be damaged during surgery. Loss of nipple sensation is also possible with this type of incision.

Inframammary Incision

An inframammary incision is made at the crease where the breast meets the rib cage. Scarring may occur, but since it is hidden in the breast fold, it is not really visible. Inframammary incisions do not interfere with breast feeding.

One downside for this type of incision is a potential for irritation during recovery; your bra may bother your incision during your recovery period. This type of incision also stays red for a longer period (up to 1 year or more) than other incision types.

Transaxillary Incision

The transaxillary incision is made in the armpit. The implant is then inserted and moved into the proper placement in the breast. This incision choice leaves no visible scarring on the breast; the scar will be hidden in your armpit, but visible. This incision makes placement a little more difficult, although both Dr. Haws and Dr. Gingrass are comfortable using this technique in many situations. If replacement or revision is needed, the incision cannot be reused which means another incision and a new scar.

Before making any decisions about the type of incision you would prefer, come in and talk with one of our surgeons. Your anatomy and desired breast size and shape may play a role in your surgeon’s recommendations. Working with your surgeon to determine the best implant placement can result in a better outcome for your breast augmentation. Call us today to schedule your consultation.